
Blog from January, 2022

Greetings from the World Water Quality Alliance Coordination Team here in Nairobi, Kenya. We hope that you and your close ones have remained in good health this year despite ongoing challenges of the pandemic. It is now the time of the year again where we will be holding our 3rd annual global meeting for the World Water Quality Alliance in 2022. Due to the ongoing restrictions caused by the Omicron variant, as the global health situation keeps evolving and as a virtual format allows for the widest possible participation from around the world, we are once again planning to hold the next Annual Global Meeting of the WWQA fully virtually, as was done earlier in 2021 for the 2nd annual Global Meeting.

The WWQA has continued to make great strides with regards to overall progress as well as in the respective workstreams despite the disruption caused by the ongoing global health crisis and for that we would like to applaud and thank all our principal investigators and partners for their continued efforts.

Join us at the 3rd Annual Global Meeting of the WWQA, co-hosted by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), scheduled to take place over 2 half-days, set over slightly different timing to try and allow for as much flexibility for participants around the world to join in. The theme of this meeting is ‘Data to Knowledge, Knowledge to Action’ and the objectives are:

  1. WWQA Coordination Team Update
  2. Present ongoing work and interfaces and products contributing towards the World Water Quality Assessment that will be shared on the UNEP World Environment Situation Room (WESR) as the main portal to update UNEP Member States towards the World Water Quality Assessment and WWQA workstreams contributing to this
  3. Understand the role of in-situ data on water quality available from GEMS Water. Identify requirements for in-situ data within the WWQA community to better support stakeholder needs and demands in this area.
  4. Identify emerging topics of environmental and socio-economic concern for water quality and inclusion into the Assessment
  5. Strategic planning and thematic focus.

For meeting connection details please contact Please find the agenda attached below:

We look forward to your participation!