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Here we will answer your Frequently Asked Questions.

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General Questions about the SDGs

Why do countries need to report on the SDGs?

Who’s who on the UN side of the SDGs?


There are four organisations involved in SDG indicator 6.3.2.

  1. UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme is the custodian of three Goal 6 indicators, indicator 6.3.2 on ambient water quality, 6.5.1 on integrated water resource management, and 6.6.1 on extent of freshwater
  1. ecosystems
  2. GEMS/Water – Global Environment Monitoring System for Freshwater, is the technical partner for SDG indicator 6.3.2. GEMS/Water has been collating water quality data since 1978 and provides capacity development in all aspects of freshwater quality monitoring and assessment, and hosts GEMStat the
GEMS/Water water quality database.
  1. UN Water – Coordinates the efforts of UN entities and international organizations working on water and sanitation issues. UN Water coordinates all Goal 6 under the Integrated Monitoring Initiative for Goal 6.
  2. UNSD – United Nations Statistical Division compile and disseminate global statistical information, develop standards and norms for statistical activities, and support countries' efforts to strengthen their national statistical systems. UNSD receive all of the SDG submissions from countries

Why do I keep receiving so many requests to report on SDG indicators?

What happens to my submission?

Who can contribute data?

Indicator 6.3.2 Methodology Questions

What is ambient water quality?


Ambient water quality refers to natural, untreated water in rivers, lakes and groundwaters. Recognising that ambient water quality is not linked to any single use of water, and that it refers to the quality of water in the natural environment which supports healthy ecosystems and serves as the source for all possible uses is critical for its management.

Why is indicator 6.3.2 important?


Indicator 6.3.2 provides a mechanism to determine whether efforts to improve water quality are working. It provides information on where water quality is good and where it is not, and how water quality is changing over time. If also helps to target capacity development efforts. This is true at global, regional, national and sub-national levels.

How does the indicator work?


Water quality is classified as either good or not good by measuring physical and chemical parameters that reflect natural water quality, together with major human impacts on water quality.

The indicator methodology asks countries collates to collate water quality data for bodies of water such as sections or tributaries of a river, a lake or an aquifer and to use these data to classify the quality of water against target values that protect human and ecosystem health. The core elements of the indicator ensure the indicator is globally comparable, yet there is flexibility within the methodology to ensure it remains nationally relevant.

What type of data can be used to report?


The indicator, at its most basic level, relies on water quality data from in situ measurements and the analysis of samples collected from rivers, lakes and aquifers. 

The core parameter groups of Level 1 are oxygen, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus and acidification.

The methodology is designed to be as inclusive and flexible as possible. Countries with limited monitoring activities, or partial data for core parameter groups, or who may use alternative approaches to monitoring can still report to the limit of their capacity.

What are core parameter groups?


The core parameters groups are relevant for Level 1 reporting only. These are oxygen, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus and acidification. These core parameters groups are most often measured using the parameters dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, total nitrogen (or dissolved inorganic nitrogen), total phosphorus (or orthophosphate) and pH respectively.

What is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 reporting?


Is Level 2 reporting necessary?


Reporting at Level 2 is optional. GEMS/Water will supply the output of a global Earth observation (EO) water quality product for large water bodies for review that countries may use if they choose to do so. This  global EO product was created to provide information as a sub-indicator of SDG indicator 6.6.1

What is an RBD?


Countries are asked to report at the river basin level. These are referred to as Reporting Basin Districts (RBDs) because, although they are based on river basins, they apply to rivers, lakes and aquifers. Depending on the size of a country, there may be several RBDs within the national borders or, alternatively, the country may be wholly within a single RBD. For large countries, reporting by these hydrological units allows differences in water quality to be made clear for managers and policy makers. The RBD concept provides a practical spatial unit that can be used for management purposes. This is especially relevant for countries that share transboundary waters where strategic efforts to assess and manage water quality are of benefit to all countries.

What is a water body?


Water bodies are smaller units that lie wholly within an RBD. It is these smaller discrete units that are classified as being either “good” or “not good” water quality. It is at this local level that impacts of poor water quality are felt, and where actions to improve quality are realised. A water body can be one of three types: (i) a section or a tributary of a river; (ii) a lake; or (iii) an aquifer. Ideally, river water bodies should be delineated to ensure they are homogenous in terms of water quality. This allows the water body to be classified as good or not using fewer monitoring stations. Each lake and aquifer water body may require many monitoring locations to ensure that quality can be classified reliably.

What are target values?


Indicator 6.3.2 uses a target-based approach to classify water quality. This means that the measured values are compared with numerical values that represent “good water quality”. These targets may be water quality standards that are defined by national legislation or they may be derived from knowledge of the natural or baseline status of water bodies

How is a water body classified as “good”?


For Level 1 reporting, a water body is classified as “good” if 80 per cent or more of the monitoring data meet their associated target values. For example, if there were 100 measurements (20

Does indicator 6.3.2 consider just freshwater?


Indicators associated with the marine environment are covered under SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development