On behalf of UNEP and the World Water Quality Alliance, WWQA

The World Water Quality Alliance Coordination Team would like to express heartfelt condolence for the passing of Dr. Ralf Klingbeil, to his family, friends and colleagues.

His role as a Senior Expert on Groundwater from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany (BGR) and a dedicated IAH Vice President - Science and Programme, made him a key contributor to the World Water Quality Alliance from the very first hour starting in late 2018 in Geneva. With his enthusiasm and dedication he convened leading global experts and colleagues around the world to establish the “Friends of Groundwater”. This Community of Practice and Excellence just provided a top level first of a kind global perspective paper on groundwater and its critical role for humanity and the earth system under pressure of climate change and pollution. This work outlines a pathway for future research and policy action.

Ralf’s contribution to the work of the WWQA and the Science Community at large will be greatly missed.

With Best regards,
The Coordination Team

World Water Quality Alliance