The GEMS/Water Global Programme Coordination Unit (GPCU) and the Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) of the World Water Quality Alliance invite WWQA partners to submit applications for the following:

  1. Proposal for New or Renewal of WWQA Workstreams

(This first call*1 is applicable to workstreams already existing and seeking renewal in the WWQA Work Plan, as well as new initiatives (see below). New Workstream*2 Proposals shall be reviewed by the Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) for approval. Technical and scientific review and guidance shall be provided by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)).

2. Applications for Seed Funding where applicable

(This is applicable to those Workstream Proposals submitted under (1) which also apply for seed funding through UNEP. Applications for seed funding shall be reviewed and prioritized by the SAC. Technical and scientific review and guidance shall be provided by the TAC). Seed funding is generally meant to provide initial inception support for innovation workstreams and those which will feature co-benefits from collaboration between WWQA and external partners.

While proposals shall generally contribute to support the agreed work plan of the Alliance*3, new proposals bringing new thematic focus to the work plan shall be open for review and consideration for inclusion by the SAC. Proponents may also seek additional guidance and/or receive scientific, technical and network advice by the TAC.

The templates for application can be accessed through the following links:

01 - Proposal template for WWQA Workstreams                                                                   02 - WWQA Seed funding application template


Please submit your Workstream Proposals and Seed Funding Applications no later than 15 January 2021 to

*1 This is the first WWQA call for Workstream Proposals. There is potential for future calls based on demand and priorities 

*2 In this first call, Workstream Proposals are asked applying both, to existing and new workstreams. The WWQA GPCU acknowledges that the workstreams agreed upon in Ispra Sep. 2019 are running and therefore they are reflected in the WWQA Work Plan. However, the rational for the WWQA GPCU and SAC call also comprising existing projects (i.e. filling out the workstream proposal template (Doc. 01)) is meant to provide for standardized information allowing the Alliance Coordination Unit to display information in outreach media, such as websites etc. and enabling full visibility. New proposals will be open for review.

*3 First year work plan was agreed at the launching conference held in Sep 2019 in Ispra, at the JRC. The next one shall be tabled and reviewed by the SAC and TAC during the next global meeting (likely in early 2021 due to delays as a consequence of COVID 19).